50cm x 50cm. Ikke til salg /Not for sale.

50cm x 50cm

50 cm x 50 cm

50 cm x 50 cm

50 cm x 50 cm

50 cm x 50 cm. Ikke til salg/ Not for sale.

30 cm x 40 cm Er givet væk i gave/ Has been given away as a present.

15 cm x 30 cm. Solgt/Sold.

15 cm x 20 cm Ikke til salg , not for sale . Kan ikke nænne at sælge den .

20 cm x 20 cm

20 cm x 20 cm. Solgt/Sold

Thisted Dagblad , Søndag den 30. november 2008

Thisted Dagblad 30-11-2008

Thisted Dagblad 30-11-2008

Givet væk i 60 års fødslesdags gave. Given away as a present for a 60 years old birthday.

abdel 29.09.2016 16:30

nice paintind you did,like your parents they did long time ago to get you as the best painting between danish and english art

Sandra 30.09.2016 00:05

Thank you
Sorry to inform you that my parents can not paint , so I have not got it from them

Gaby 02.06.2014 00:10

Lovely paintings.... You are so gifted.

Marina Riisager 20.02.2012 09:41

Hej Sandra, Jeg kan vældig godt lide dine billeder/galleri.
Vi ses på Torsdag kærlig hilsen Marina fra Solsikken/lejrbo

Joachim 13.09.2011 10:37

Hej Sandra kan du tænke dig at udstille nogen af dine billeder i Netværkscafeen Nørrealle 30 i Thisted mvh Joachim 96193636

| Svar

Nyeste kommentarer

22.05 | 05:07

Er dette billede til salg syntes det er mega flot og super flot malet
Hvor stort er det.
God dag

30.09 | 00:05

Thank you
Sorry to inform you that my parents can not paint , so I have not got it from them

29.09 | 16:30

nice paintind you did,like your parents they did long time ago to get you as the best painting between danish and english art

07.11 | 18:04

I love this movie . Thanks . I would like to know u if u don't mind. My name Rajai from Jordan